When purchasing from WB Gadd your financial details are passed through a secure server using the latest 128-bit SSL (secure sockets layer) encryption technology.128-bit SSL encryption is the current industry standard. If you have any questions regarding our security policy, please contact our customer support centre.
The site you are visiting has been enabled for secure credit card payments processing using SecurePay Payment Solution's highest standards of security, coupled with easy integration.
SecurePay has been providing secure online payments for over many years to hundreds of merchants across Australia.
All payment pages served by SecurePay are secured by our own 128-bit SSL certificate supplied by GeoTrust.
Your credit card details are passed directly to the merchant's bank without ever being stored on either their system or SecurePay's system. SecurePay at no time handles your money because the transaction is between you and the merchant's bank.
SecurePay securely facilitates the transaction, protecting both you and the merchant and providing detailed reporting and invoice tracking numbers.